Posted by: heathergfe | February 20, 2009

What’s on your TIVO?

OK, I don’t have a TIVO, I have a DVR, but seems like everyone knows what a TIVO is. I know some of you don’t own a TV. Don’t hate me for enjoying this lowbrow form of entertainment. I thought it would be fun to see what is on your recording list. For those of you who indulge, fess up. What’s on the schedule?

Here’s my list:   Nip Tuck, The Daily Show, Rescue 911, Desperate Housewives


  1. I can watch any program on the internet, which is what I usually do. Shorter commercials.

    The Daily Show, Deep Wreck Mysteries, Engineering an Empire, Weeds, Little Britain, South Park, Frasier

  2. Before I gave up my TV, I had the following:
    Democracy Now, News Night (a British news program), Little Britain (great taste, Sassy!), and anything with Johnny Depp in it. Thinking back, I should have done the Daily Show!

    I gave up my TV because I was so sick of the lies and watered-down, sugar-coated “truths” in what passed for “news” here in the states. I think spending so much time in the UK and being able to watch the BBC every day spoiled me.

  3. Wait, Rescue 9-1-1 still comes on? Isn’t that show from the 80s?

    Since I have night classes or see most of my clients in the evening, I end up having to DVR (I don’t have a TiVO – I have a Digital Video Recorder) Life, Grey’s Anatomy, ER, Law and Order, or any number of new shows that come on channels like Science, Discovery, National Geographic and so forth.

    I just came across the blog here, and am excited to see one with the bent this one has. I look forward to keeping up with your writings, including Audrey! 😉

  4. I think W. Shatner hosted a reality show with the same name in the 80’s.
    The show on FX is a drama about the firefighters in New York after 9-11.

  5. Great to see you here, Alexa!

  6. Thank you, Holly.

    I’ve seen the old Rescue 9-1-1 on TV Land or some other channel, Heather. I didn’t even realize there was a new show! :lol; *embarrassed*

  7. Don’t be embarrassed. I’m the one who is. I just saw a commercial for my favorite show and it is called “Rescue Me”, not 911.

  8. Hi Holly. You can get the BBC on cable. We all know that the news is all propaganda. I just use my TV for mindless entertainment.

  9. I know, but it is BBC America, which is a far cry from the real thing! I want one of those old-fashioned satellite dishes that are like 5 ft in diameter that can get a gazillion different channels. Remember those? The kind your weird neighbor had when we were kids? Lol!

    I just use my TV for mindless entertainment.

    And goddess knows we can all use some of that! Go baby!! 😀 I need to do more of that!! Brain vacation…Lol!

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